The Croods (2013) Review

So last night I had the opportunity of going to the movies again, and this time I chose The Croods. I have received plenty of positive feedback about this film, so I went in with my hopes very high.

I am happy to say I was not disappointed. In fact, I had a laugh telling my friends that ”The Croods” might be the best Nicholas Cage movie in years! 🙂 Now, The Croods are a prehistoric family. Yes, you are thinking about something similar to The Flintstones. Although it is based roughly on the same idea of the prehistoric family issue, technically the concepts are completely different, but both Flintstones and Croods are equally awesome!

In The Croods we have the father (Nicholas Cage), the mother, the adolescent daughter (she was sort of like the main character, at least it seemed so), the pre-adolescent fat son (sort of like a fun Dudley Dursley), the family baby girl (Dennis The Menace – The Early Years), and the grandma, who, of course, was mother in law to the father (Cage). That actually led to a lot of mother in law versus son in law funny moments.

So we had modern family values and traits, customs and traditions, all transposed in a prehistoric time, when everything was primitive, including the way of thinking. Which was kind of just ”a way”, no much thinking involved. Until Guy comes into the picture. Who’s Guy? Only an adolescent boy. Yeah, you got that right! The adolescent girl now had an adolescent boy to keep her company. Plus, he was a SMART adolescent boy! Inventive and full of ideas!

Now, I won’t get into many details, I will just tell you that the humor is smart, good, with no bad jokes or dirty words, it’s a perfect family movie, and I think no matter your age, area of expertise or personal tastes, you will LOVE it! It is so good I can’t possibly point out a favorite character, there were plenty that were awesome, including some animals (yeah, you should check the creatures they designed, they’re awesome – especially those huge furry cat thingies) among them.

The best animated comedy since the last Ice Age (the movie, not the actual Ice Age 😀 ), The Croods will entertain you and make you value family even more. And probably it will also make you understand your mother in law a little bit more. 😛

Verdict: 10/10 – Best Animated Movie of the Year (um… yeah… the year has just began, I’ll keep you updated on this, I’m not sure yet.  😉 )

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