Castle – 6×05 “Time Will Tell”

Hola! This is Juan Skywalker and I came from 2035 with a BMW Time Machine to fix history. Just don't shoot and we should be fine.

Hola! This is Juan Skywalker and I came from 2035 with a BMW Time Machine to fix history. Just don’t shoot and we should be fine.

Okay, this might just be the best Castle episode of the season. Why is that? Because Time-Travel, that’s why!

So, yeah, I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard the villain-to-be saying he’s from the future. Now, we’ve seen stuff like that in Castle, and I thought at first they’re going to provide a logical explanation, seeing how this is not a science fiction show, but a cop drama. Or a writer drama, depends how  you see it…

Castle, as in the show, often had SF-related Easter eggs and episodes, and since Nathan Filion himself is no stranger to the science fiction genre, I bet most of his fans (myself included) were elated to see another SF-ish plot in the show.

Hold me tighter on the left, we must seem legit to Beckett when she wakes up.

Hold me tighter on the left, we must seem legit to Beckett when she wakes up.

Castle the character is himself a very big science fiction geek, although he only writes mystery novels (I’ll try that at some point), and  he embraces the futuristic part of this case questioning at all times the so-called madness of the so-called Simon Doyle, The Man From The Future. The way it turned out, this wasn’t madness. It’s very likely that it wasn’t Sparta either. 😉

Supposedly we don’t know his “real” name, since he told Beckett something along the lines of “you can call me Simon, Simon Doyle”, which suggests he’s both secretive and cautious regarding what kind of information he lets go. There is a bit of a contradiction here, because he had plenty of moments in which he practically yelled, looking like a madman, disregarding every precaution he previously took. It’s debatable because at those moments he was clearly desperate, and the yelling was a last resort manifestation of his conflict, hoping in a solution from Castle & Beckett.

Tuvok. Your argument is illogical.

Tuvok. Your argument is illogical.

By the way, I love the future he predicted for them, married with three kids, Beckett a senator, Castle a better writer. Who wouldn’t want to hear he’s going to be better in the future?

The other “man from the future”, the real villain, named Ward, was an even bigger mystery (although not as interesting as Doyle) since he wouldn’t talk at all about anything. He’s the “shoot and ask questions never” kind of guy. And since he was kind of a big guy, strong, the type that would successfully replace the Barbarian in Diablo 2, the whole episode had a strong Terminator vibe. I was actually expecting a scene where Doyle opens a car door and tells Castle the famous “Come with me if you want to live” line. 🙂

We found the rapist. But you're not gonna like it. He didn't get to Justin Bieber in time.

We found the rapist. But you’re not gonna like it. He didn’t get to Justin Bieber in time.

The ending was by far the best thing in the episode. I mean, the Castle part when Doyle just disappeared could be questionable, but the moment when Becket spills her coffee all over the letter in the exact same pattern the letter in the photo was stained must have given you a shiver on the spine! I know it gave me one. 😀

I won’t get into the subplots because those are really not relevant, they only wanted to give some screen time to Alexis, provide a context for Pi’s exit (temporary or not, we shall see – I hope it’s permanent) and mix some father-daughter conflict that, let’s face it, it wasn’t going to last. It’s Castle and Alexis, for crying out loud, they weren’t able to stay mad at each other for five straight minutes since the Big Bang, why would they do it now?

I can’t wait to see this week’s episode, although I have a feeling it won’t rise to the expectations after such a great one before it. Be good guys, all the luck in the world!

Valar Morghulis!

Indru, The Writer