Unknown Songs – Story Teaser (a.k.a. What’s with the writing?)

Coming to this site, you probably wondered where the writing part comes in. Because there’s been plenty of reviewing, but not much creative writing except for the Sanguine Flash Fiction story abut vampires.

First of all, yes, I aim to be a professional writer someday. I’m just a writer now. Writer. Period.

As a writer, you get to write all sorts of stuff, and you should. I deal a lot in TV series reviews, since I love TV series (and books, and video games). I also did some movie reviews recently after seeing some new movies – I’m still new to that, but it’s not so different than a TV review. In fact, it seems easier, since you only have to write one for each movie. A TV show gets plenty.

On to the creative part of my writing, I have several projects I want to (and have to) go through.

First thing I wrote were sexually explicit flash fictions that involved my classmates as characters. Don’t say a thing, I’m not proud – although I had plenty of fun doing it. 🙂 I did that in high school, mostly because I was angry at some of them (they were bullies), and this was a way to focus my anger and turn it into something constructive. I also felt like having fun of some of them sometime (I was the bully here, roles reversed).

The main thing is my close friends in class had fun reading my stories, and even liked them. I didn’t take it into consideration too much back then, I was just playing and never even imagined I’d get to dream of becoming a professional writer.

Later on, as I read more and more books (by authors like Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Isaac Asimov, Timothy Zahn, Frank Herbert, Orson Scott Card, Lee Child, J. R.R. Tolkien, George R.R. Martin and many, many others whom I have to apologize, but I forget right now) I grew this gigantic wish (it felt that way, gigantic) to write one myself. But since it seemed too big a task to accomplish alone at that point, I joined forces with my brother and my cousin (who later on became a graphic artist, check ampren7a.deviantart.com for his works) and convinced them to write a fantasy book (plenty of Lord of The Rings influence at that time, since the movies were fresh out of production in that particular historical moment) involving three main characters. I had already written the prologue (will publish it at some point), but the main idea was that we were supposed to take a character each and help them evolve in this fantasy world, create an entire environment around them (they were very different, coming from different contexts, different social layers etc.), and then get them to meet each other and so on.

We wrote a chapter each, and I still have their chapters as well, but all of our work is in heavy need of polishing. Further on, when we didn’t get the opportunity to work more on the matter, the entire project fell into my hands. I have written three extra chapters, including a Chapter Zero that badly needed to exist between my Prologue and our three first chapters (which I might or might not join into one single big chapter in the final version).

Needless to say, the novel is a future project, and I aim to pull through it after finishing with my immediate objectives.

A few years after this, I started writing a Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction short story, about a youngling that gets to be the last survivor of his species. Because of my thirst of Space Travel and very wide Gene Roddenberry influence, it ended up as a Space Opera. And it became a novel. Yeah, I couldn’t stick to the short story part either.

So this is the first of my two immediate objective: Finish this novel.

The second one? Finishing my first short story, “Unknown Songs”. Yes, this time it will stay a short story. Technically a novelette, or maybe a novella – by SFWA standards.

It’s three quarters done, and you get to read a teaser right now – the first five pages.

You can read it here:



You can share your opinion on either one of the two sites, or here in the comment section below. I plan to release the full version by the end of June, and needless to say it is far more revealing than the teaser.

As a genre, it spans over mystery, thriller, SF, urban fantasy, and it has a bit of history in it as well. But the fictive kind, meaning I changed some things. Or at least I made use of uncertain events to give them a specific fictitious certainty.

As a conclusion, I will also tell you that I store a collection of ideas that got to me in the middle of the night, and I just wrote them down in a notebook. Each and every one of them has the potential to become a story. Or a novel. But I will focus on them once I have reached the completion of my first novel (the title is N/A yet, I’ still thinking).

See you soon!

Indru, The Writer