The Sands of Rakis

There is a plethora of Dune-related information on the internet these days, mostly due to the new movie by Dennis Villeneuve. So it’s no wonder I bump constantly into Dune-related info and all kinds of Dune memes.

There has been a constant debate between Dune fans regarding Dune movies, which haven’t quite met the entire fanbase’s standards until now, and I have a feeling they still won’t, even if Villeneuve’s film proves to be better than everything that was put in motion until now.

For me, there will never be a better one than David Lynch’s Dune, simply because even though it wasn’t the best movie in history, and Mr. Lynch considered Dune to be his personal mistake (to which I agree in the sense that he should have at least read the book before doing it), it had the best cast and somehow David Lynch’s mark felt deep, even though it wasn’t his finest. Kyle MacLachlan as Paul, Patrick Stewart as Gurney, Sting as Feyd-Rautha, Max von Sidow as Liet Kynes, José Ferrer as the Emperor Padishah Shaddam IV, Virginia Madsen as Princess Irulan and so on and so forth – they were all so well chosen for their characters that it made it feel like Dune…

Today, though, I am here to focus on Sting, the actor/singer playing Feyd-Rautha. Why? Because an idea just occured to me. The idea of replacing the lyrics for Fields of Gold, my favorite Sting song, with Dune-related lyrics (where it fits), so that I’d create some sort of unofficial soundtrack to the 1984 Dune movie, specifically the song that Sting never sang but he should have, at least for that movie.

Since my voice is atrocious, I will limit myself to writing the lyrics (more like adapting the original). Trust me, you don’t want to hear me sing anything. Lyrics will have to do. Unless Peter Hollens wants a collab, in which case he can sing them while he links my blog in the video description.

Note: I also changed the title to “The Sands of Rakis”, which is the equivalent to Sting’s “Fields of Barley” particle. The equivalent to the “Fields of Gold” particle was “Dunes of Gold”, but I thought the better one was “The Sands of Rakis”, so I stuck to it. I feel it brings more justice to Dune and Frank Herbert, it has a certain appeal.

The Sands of Rakis

You’ll remember me, when the west wind blows… Upon the sands of Rakis.
You’ll forget the sun, in his jealous sky, as we walk on Dunes of Gold…

So she took her love, for to gaze awhile… Upon the sands of Rakis…
In his arms she fell, as her hair came down… Among the Dunes of Gold
Will you stay with me, will you be my love? Among the sands of Rakis…
We’ll forget the sun, in his jealous sky, as we lie on Dunes of Gold…

See the west wind move, like a lover so, upon the sands of Rakis…
Feel her body rise, when you kiss her mouth… Among the Dunes of Gold.

I never made promises lightly, and there have been some that I’ve broken,
But I swear in the days still left, we’ll walk on Dunes of Gold…
We will walk on Dunes of Gold…

Many years have passed, since those scorching days, among the sands of Rakis,
See the Makers rise, as the sun goes down, among the Dunes of Gold.
You’ll remember me, when the west wind blows, upon the sands of Rakis…
You can tell the sun, in his jealous sky, when we walked on Dune of Gold…
When we walked on Dunes of Gold…
When we walked on Dunes of Gold…

Image by Falkenpost via Pixabay