Game of Thrones – 4×01 “Two Swords”
Here it is! April 2014 – the Game of Thrones season 4 debut! Some couldn’t wait for this. Some can’t...
Here it is! April 2014 – the Game of Thrones season 4 debut! Some couldn’t wait for this. Some can’t...
“Yousa thinking yousa people ganna die?” – Jar Jar Binks discutând cu familia Stark înainte de Nuntă. De fapt, e...
“And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low? Only a cat of a different...
Daario Naharis pentru noi, este Loras Tyrell Doi! Oh my God, cum au putut să-l facă atât de crappy?
„The Bear, the bear, and the maiden fair…” Titlul m-a dus inițial cu gândul la Jorah și Daenerys, dar aparent...